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Actor Alessandra Jane

Alessandra Jane

Actor Information

Alessandra Jane không phải lúc nào cũng là cô gái thanh lịch mà bạn thấy ngày nay. Khi ra mắt phim khiêu dâm vào năm 2014, người đẹp Nga này là cô gái hàng xóm nhỏ nhắn và dễ thương cổ điển. Alessandra cười rằng cô luôn khiêm tốn đến mức tất cả bạn bè của cô đều sốc khi biết cô khỏa thân trước ống kính chứ đừng nói đến việc làm tất cả những trò nghịch ngợm mà cô đã trở nên nổi tiếng! Tuy nhiên, sau một vài năm tham gia vào ngành công nghiệp phim người lớn ở Châu Âu, Alessandra đã khám phá ra một khía cạnh mới trong tính cách của mình: cô đã trưởng thành thành một người đam mê du lịch khắp thế giới sành điệu và quyến rũ.

Movies of Actor Alessandra Jane

Cousin's amazing hot body
Cousin's amazing hot body
Only women can bring happiness to each other
Only women can bring happiness to each other
Unlucky female thief....
Unlucky female thief....
My colleague has a dinosaur
My colleague has a dinosaur
When my husband is away
When my husband is away
My black colleague is super slutty
My black colleague is super slutty
Lustful MCs of television stations
Lustful MCs of television stations
Big breasted cousin likes doggy
Big breasted cousin likes doggy
GOING for a massage with my best friend and the staff member who has a huge cock
GOING for a massage with my best friend and the staff member who has a huge cock
The wife's talkative sister
The wife's talkative sister
Fucking my neighbor's wife in the swimming pool
Fucking my neighbor's wife in the swimming pool
Young men are lucky to fuck their mother-in-law...
Young men are lucky to fuck their mother-in-law...
While we were fucking each other, my mother came home
While we were fucking each other, my mother came home
Enjoyable dinner with best friend and his wife
Enjoyable dinner with best friend and his wife
New teacher's sex class.....
New teacher's sex class.....
A happy day with my neighbor....
A happy day with my neighbor....
Real estate broker with big cock
Real estate broker with big cock
Summer vacation at grandma's house...
Summer vacation at grandma's house...
Fuck your best friend while he's away
Fuck your best friend while he's away
Perverted stepfather fucks his daughter's best friend
Perverted stepfather fucks his daughter's best friend
Playing with fragile foreign female teacher June Lovejoy
Playing with fragile foreign female teacher June Lovejoy
His best friend's foreign wife
His best friend's foreign wife
While repairing the car, my sister asked to fuck me
While repairing the car, my sister asked to fuck me