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Actor Seka Black

Seka Black

Actor Information

Gorgeous MILF Seka Black proves that age is just a number when you're healthy, horny, and on the hunt for huge cocks! A Fort Lauderdale native, this big boobed baddy loves flirting, stripping, camming - if there's smut involved, Seka is here for it! When she isn't slutting up the scene, Seka loves to keep in shape with regular exercise in the gym and cycling through different paths. But just because Seka is a stamina master doesn't mean she can't be delicate as well. Her nimble fingers are practiced from sewing, which just makes her all the more skilled at stroking dick! Check out Seka Black in the scenes below.

Movies of Actor Seka Black

Black guy is my lucky number
Black guy is my lucky number
The boss with a big cock fucks a black employee with big breasts
The boss with a big cock fucks a black employee with big breasts
Clumsiness with your best friend when your boyfriend proposes
Clumsiness with your best friend when your boyfriend proposes
Lustful MCs of television stations
Lustful MCs of television stations
My roommate and two crazy girls
My roommate and two crazy girls
Let dad help daughter-in-law satisfy...
Let dad help daughter-in-law satisfy...
When my daughter died, my mother made love to her boyfriend in her place
When my daughter died, my mother made love to her boyfriend in her place
Stepmother with perverted hobbies - Hikari Sena
Stepmother with perverted hobbies - Hikari Sena
While he was fucking the tutor, his father discovered him
While he was fucking the tutor, his father discovered him
I'm close but I can still see your dick clearly
I'm close but I can still see your dick clearly
Being forced to have sex every day by a beautiful teacher
Being forced to have sex every day by a beautiful teacher
Turned into a sex toy by two sisters
Turned into a sex toy by two sisters
Tried to fuck my best friend's sister
Tried to fuck my best friend's sister